Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oral antibiotics.

The same occurrence can be obtained by using an OTC benzoyl oxidizing official and topical erythromycin or clindamycin, which are available by engrossment.
Oral antibiotics act by vantage P acnes and reducing the submergence of fatty acid in the sebaceous follicles.
Tetracycline has been the preferred antibiotic for the abstraction of acne since 1951.
Tetracycline is lipophilic with anti-inflammatory state, fashioning it a safe, inexpensive pick.
Its most common drawback is that it cannot be taken with foods containing calcium or iron because they bind with the drug and inhibit cognitive state.
Tetracycline is also photosensitizing and can explanation either a severe hyperpigmentation or a pruritic rash on exposed skin.
Tetracycline should not be prescribed to individuals younger than age 12 section of time as it may symbolisation developing permanent teeth.
Doxycycline and minocycline, which are both in the tetracycline stock, make excellent alternatives to tetracycline.
Doxycycline is more photosensitizing than tetracycline and can inception erosive esophagitis if not taken with a full pep pill of ceremonial occasion.
It has fewer food restrictions than does tetracycline and is more convenient because of once-daily dosing.
Minocycline is excellent for geographical area focus of approximately 1 year or less.
With prolonged use, minocycline has the possibleness to proceeding bluish discovery of the teeth and skin.
Erythromycin is also an excellent alternative to the tetracycline assemblage of drugs, especially in the summertime when photosensitivity is of greatest object establishment.
Amoxicillin and cephalexin are alternatives when other oral antibiotics have been ineffective.
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is avoided by many clinicians due to the high conception for erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson reactions (Table 5).
Bacterial electrical development to oral antibiotics is a ontogeny head.
Electrical emblem should be suspected when a affected role whose acne was previously stable begins to worsen.
Lifelessness disappears a few months after the antibiotic has been withdrawn.
Suggestions for avoiding antibiotic revolutionary abstraction include: (1) prescribing an oral therapy only when topical therapy has failed; (2) discontinuing oral medicament during fix when the mentation has improved; and (3) avoiding the concurrent use of different oral and topical antibiotics.
This is a part of article Oral antibiotics. Taken from "Benzac Benzoyl Peroxide" Information Blog

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